Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Tuesday October 24, 2017

Blog being written at Panera in GR, 1010

Tuesday is our travel day back to GR.  Our flight does not leave San Jose until 1400, so I had time to walk to Starbucks and do some reading.  I am amazed at the business the Starbucks I visit does in the morning.  Nobody sits down they just grab their brew and go.   One of my retirement pleasures is the opportunity to visit a coffee shop and sit down and read the current news.  I do all the reading on my iPad.  Most coffee shops have an internet connection.

The infighting in the GOP is embarrassing.  Is the party going to implode?

Bright blue sky and warm temps in San Jose.  High today in mid 8ps.  Rain and mid 40s in GR.

We arrived at the San Jose before noon.  We had our boarding passes on our iPhones so no need to check in.  Debbie’s got our Global Express numbers on our boarding passes so we breezed through the TSA precheck line with no problems.

Flight to GR went without a hitch.  Stopped in Minneapolis for an hour before getting on the plane to GR.  I wish we had a nonstop flight from GR to CA.  

Got home about midnight.  Brenna, our house sitter, said Ms P was great.  She spent the night.  We headed straight to bed.  Flying is tiring on our old bodies.

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