Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Monday October 9, 2017

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Slept in until 0700, I reduced my pill intake by 50%, bad idea because my mouth and tongue ware swollen and kept me up most of the night.  I learned my lesson I am back to my normal dosage.  

Temp was in low 50s so I wore my knickers this morning.  Headed out in bright sun, needed sunglasses.  The Y was crowded this morning with a lot of folks attending classes.  Because of lack of sleep I did my routine at 80%.

Observation,  why do so many pretty girls mar their bodies with huge tattoos covering their arms and legs.  What is wrong with a simple rose?  

Road work at 28th and Kraft means a 0.5 mile detour to Panera.  It is now 1220 at Panera and every table is taken.  

POTUS is just wrong on his immigration policy including the stupid wall.  The press is having a field day with his cabinet abusing their travel budgets.  How did these smart guys get so stupid?

Is their anyone who can tell POTUS that criticism comes with the job.  Ignore it!

Today is Columbus Day, a national holiday.  Now some folks want to change the name to recognize indigent people’s.  They also want to remove statues of Columbus.  As if the critics knew conditions in 1492.  Once again PC run amuck.

Big vote tomorrow between P&G’s board and investor Nelson Peltz.  Small stockholders have been bombarded with calls telling them to vote.  I would vote against Peltz.

The new wider Panama Canal is running full blast.  Huge tonnages are passing through the canal on their way to the USA east coast ports.  LNG out of the Gulf ports are also using the wider canal to make deliveries to Asia.  The Suez has seen a decline in shipping since the wider canal opened.  Nancy and I visited the canal on its 100th anniversary.  The project to widen the canal was about 90% complete.
Big Democratic donor Harvey Weinstein is now toxic since allegations of long time sexual harassment has surfaced.  

It was 75 when I left Panera.  First thing I did at home was walk around the block.

Nancy had her monthly lunch with her hospital guild.  

Lunch and then I ran errands.  Stopped at Sam the Shoe man and picked up my favorite walking shoes.  Next stop Walgreens where I bought an eye patch.

I did take a short nap.  Light dinner tonight followed by some Netflix.  We watched an episode of “The Killing”before turning in.

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