Saturday, October 14, 2017

Friday October 13, 2017

Blog time 1230at Panera

Today is Friday the 13th.  It is suppose to be unlucky but I plan on buying a lottery ticket.  In 1956 I won a Jeep in a lottery with ticket #13.

It was dark and gloomy when I left this morning.  Temps were in high 50s perfect for a bike ride.

Normal routine at the Y. Showered and headed to Panera.

Comments on articles in the London papers:

Three snake stories.  Also an article on a women being eaten by a croc.  The Brits love their reptile stories.

A big hurricane is heading to Ireland and the UK.  Don’t really think of hurricanes that far north.

Article on how a couple survived the Santa Rosa fire by jumping in a neighbor’s swimming pool.  Everything around them was vaporized.

Harvey Weinstein still dominates the news.

Do the Tories have a game plan for BRexit?

I don’t understand POTUS’s Iran Nuclear stand,  is he leaving it up to congress?  

Speaking of POTUS I thought General Kelly’s new conference was great.  He epitomizes a Marine General.

The hair growing medicine POTUS uses might prevent prostrate cancer.  Think it would work for me?

President Trump’s executive order on suspending payments to insurance companies is getting a lot of flack.  I think after all the news media hysteria dies down many Americans will think the action has merits.  The ACA is a real budget buster.
Did not get home until 1330.  We took Ms P on her walk.  Lunch and some cleanup before a nap followed by a short walk.

Light dinner, watched the news and then an episode of Vera on Acorn before turning in.

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