Sunday, October 29, 2017

Saturday October 28, 2017

Saturday October 28, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Cascade Library

It was cold this morning, 35 with threatening rain.  The weather folks say it will rain all day.

We walked to Panera for breakfast.  A very cold walk but no rain.  Panera was not busy this morning.  We encountered a light rain on our walk home.

Nancy started the laundry and I headed out to buy a bag of cypress mulch.  Nancy wants the mulch to cover her rose bushes for the winter.  No luck at Lowe’s.  FruitBasket Flowerland did have mulch at a reasonable price.  Only bought one bag.

Nancy was doing her daily stretching exercises when I got home.  She had already completed two loads of laundry.

I grabbed my iPad and walked to the Cascade Library.  The library has a nice reading room.  Usually the reading room is nearly empty.  This morning I got the last chair. Must be because of the rain.

Lunch and then I headed downstairs.  Spent several hour messing around.  I paid bills, checked and answered emails and worked on family history.  Also rearranged all my winter clothes.  I enjoy a nice rainy day.  It gives me time to do thing I put off because I would rather be outside.  Winter is a time to rest and recuperate from summer and fall outdoor activities.

For dinner we headed to Russ’s.  I had a hot turkey sandwich and Nancy a bowl of chicken rice soup.  We were the youngest couple in Russ’s.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening, we spent some time catching up.  Earlier in the week Missy sent a photo of AJ wearing a Alpena High Wildcat shirt to school.  The shirt looks great on AJ.

Watched a show on Netflix before turning in.

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