Monday, October 23, 2017

Sunday October 22, 2017

Sunday morning sitting in a San Jose, CA Starbucks, 0800

Today the warmup starts, high today will be in mid 70s.  Of course it is sunny.  Left for Starbucks this morning this before sunrise.  The stars were bright.  Pleasant walk but have to watch out for lawn sprinklers.

Scanned the news and found:

Abe wins in Japan so maybe Japan will change constitution to allow the military become more than a self defense force.

Astro’s beat Yankees, yea and UM loses, bummer.

Spanish government takes over Catalonia.

JFK assignation files to be released.

The death of a Soldier/Sailor should not be politicized.

Great to see five former presidents together for hurricane relief.  Civility is good.

Enough of Harvey Weinstein.  Admit it the guy is just a super jerk.

Italy’s north regions of Lombardy and Veneto want more autonomy.  Not quite as bad as Scotland and Catalonia.  Is Europe imploding?

Xi Jinping consolidates power in China.

This morning we piled in Debbie’s Honda and headed to the City by the Bay, San Francisco.  Great day for a drive, bright blue sunny sky.  

One thing I think California can be proud of is their success in eliminating air pollution.  The ugly haze blocking out the sun has been mostly eliminated.  Tough car emission rules help.  The switch to electric cars is under way.  I have never seen so many electric vehicles.  Apple has a large recharging parking lot.  I think most auto companies have an electric car.  Chevy leads the way for USA manufacturers.

We parked at Union Square.  Downtown SF was loaded with tourists.  The line for open topped tour buses was long as was the line for a cable car ride.  Nancy and Debbie went shopping in Chinatown and I walked the cable car line to the waterfront.  I always forget how steep the hills in SF are.  Noted several new skyscrapers since our last visit.  I thought I had good walking shoes but going up and down the hills started some chafing on the toes.  I got back at our rendezvous spot early so I had a hot dog from a sidewalk vendor.  Great hot dog.

We got home about 1500.  Quick lunch and then a short nap.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk along the Los Gatos Creek Trail.  The trail was loaded with walkers and bikers.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  We watched 60 Minutes and a Midsomer Murders on Netflix before turning in.

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