Monday, October 9, 2017

Sunday October 8, 2017

Blog time 1050, Monday the 9th at  Panera:

Weekend Update

Saturday October 7

A good rain last night, in fact it was still raining at 0800 so we drove to Panera.  Big game tonight so a lot of folks were wearing their MSU or UM shirts.  We had our usual coffee, oatmeal, bagel, banana breakfast.

The rain had stopped by the time we headed for home.  Nancy started the laundry and I got out my single speed and headed out on an eleven mile ride.

It will get warm today, mid 80s.  As soon as I got home Nancy said our next door neighbor had called saying she had been robbed.  I walked over and it was obvious that someone had broken into her home.  The door jamb was destroyed.  Nancy and Sonya checked to see what had been taken.  I checked downstairs and saw that the crook had exited by the downstairs slider.  Probably he was surprised by Sonya.  

The sheriff was called.  Conclusion, Sonya was targeted.  The bad guy knew where she hid the keys to her lockbox.  Money was stolen.  Sonya’s son-in-law came over and repaired her door.  Nancy said it was a great job and got his name as a great handy man.

Rest of afternoon, lunch, walk and nap.  Tonight we are having dinner at Mary Namey’s.  Left at 1700 and stopped at Trader Joe’s to buy flowers for Mary.  Also attending the dinner were Mary’s daughter in law Mary and the Dancy’s Tom and Pat.  A great meal and conversation.

We got home at 2100.  I watched the 3rd quarter of the UM/MSU game.  It was pouring rain and UM was behind so I headed to bed.

Sunday the 8th: 
up at 0630 head to Y for our Sunday workouts.  We head right home after the Y, change clothes and drove to Trinity Lutheran.

We made a stop at Meijer’s for gas and groceries.  This afternoon we are attending a soup lunch at the Moleski’s.  Linda invited three other folks, all retired teacher.  Out of the 7 attendees only Tom Moleski and I were not teachers.  Great soups especially the vegetable bisque.  Started at 1300 and left at 1530.  

Walked around the block and took a nap.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  We finished reading the GRP, watched 60 Minutes and then an episode of Father Brown on Netflix before turning in.

Good thing I have lost interest in football because Alpena, UM and the Lions all lost.  

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