Saturday, October 28, 2017

Friday October 27, 2017

Friday October 27, 2017

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Finally I got up at a reasonable time, 0630.  Rain is predicted for later this morning but the temperature is 20 degrees warmer than yesterday, 51 vs 31.  Sunrise not until 0810 and since I don’t like to ride the bike when dark I did all the calisthenics at home.  It was dark and gloomy when I left this morning at 0830.  Had all the bike lights on.  Took the hilly route to Panera, total distance was 8.5 miles.

Encountered no rain on my ride but I just looked out the window and it is raining hard.  GR has had over 9 inches of rain in Oct.  The rain has helped in stripping trees of their leaves.  The bright reds have finally come out on some trees.  Probably next week most trees will be bare.

What is happening in Catalonia? The Catalan Parliament declares independence.  Most EU countries would not recognize the new country.  Is this just a negotiating tactic?  Risky move!

Trump administration releases most of JFK documents but not all.  Why not all the documents it has been 54 years?  

Kim came and cleaned today.  The house looks great.

Before lunch Nancy and I drove to Fidelity so I could open an account.  Stopped at Meijer’s to get grapes and crackers.

I did take a short nap.  For dinner we headed to Brann’s.  I had their lobster bisque and Nancy a ham sandwich.

We watched an episode of Wanted on Netflix before turning in.  

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