Saturday, October 21, 2017

Friday October 20, 2017

Friday October 20, 2017, 0800 sitting in Starbucks in San Jose;

I will head back to Debbie’s as soon as I scan the headlines.  We have nothing scheduled for today.  As they say we will play it by ear, what ever that means.

The Starbucks near Debbie’s does a great business.  I counted a line of 20 folks waiting for coffee.  Everyone just grabs their coffee and heads out.  Five small tables and I am the only one sitting down.

This morning Debbie drove us to Santana Row to visit a big Orvis store.  Bummer the store was closed.  We walked around Santana Row.  It is a high end community of restaurants, apartment and stores.  Great place to visit but expensive.  

 Next Debbie drove us to Cupertino to see the new Apple headquarters.  It is a huge circular building with a lot of glass.  Impressive!  I don’t think it is ready for full occupancy.

We had lunch at the employees cafeteria on the main campus, 1 Infinite Loop.  The cafeteria is huge with seating both inside and out.  I had a pizza and Debbie and Nancy a salad.  It is a great place to people watch.  Tees and jeans are the uniform of the day.  When I started my business I read “Dress for Success”.  Not required at Apple.

On way home we made a quick stop at Costco so both Debbie and Nancy could by a sweater.

I was dropped off at Debbie’s while they headed to the Dollar store.  Debbie has a new bike but does not have a tire pump.  I walked to a nearby bike store and bought a pump and water bottle cage.  Dropped the bike stuff at home and then took a walk on the nearby Los Gatos Creek Trail.  As the name suggests the trail follows the creek.  Great trail and I guess it runs for miles.

We all spent some down time reading before dinner.  The Stock Market keeps going up and Congress is still doing nothing.  The Czech Republic might have an anti-immigration Government after the upcoming election.  China is putting emphasis on state supported industry and not the private sector.  Kind of a back to Mao movement.  Spain is playing hardball with Catalonia.  And that is what I gleaned from the papers.

We talked about dinner and Nancy said she wasn’t hungry so Debbie and I drove to a small Italian restaurant for spaghetti and meatballs.  I also had a glass of wine.  Good food.

At home we started watching TV but I immediately fell asleep.  Busy but very enjoyable day.

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