Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Monday October 23, 2017

Monday October 23, 2017; sitting in Starbucks, San Jose 0845

Left Debbie’s in total darkness but now 0845 we have bright sun and temp of 62 heading to 86.  Last full day in CA.  Nothing planned yet.  

Checked news and found nothing so far I want to comment on.

Ran some errands with Debbie before lunch, Trader Joe’s and bike store. 

I spent some time after lunch installing lights and a mirror on Debbie’s bike.  The temperature did reach 86 this afternoon.  I finished the afternoon with a walk through Willow Glen.  Showered, shaved and packed.

For dinner we drove to Cupertino.  We ate in a huge new development at a restaurant called the Lazy Dog.  I had a chicken pot pie.  It was great, Debbie and Nancy each had a sandwich.

Watched some Netflix before turning in.  Tomorrow we head back to GR.  It has been a great but short vacation.

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