Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Monday October 16, 2017

Blog time 1155 at Panera:

Finally the rain has stopped, bright sun but cool, 45 this morning.  With all the rain noted that the streams were running full and every depression was filled.  High winds accompanied the weekend storms resulting in a lot of fallen branches.  It was great to see Cascade Twp out this morning blowing the branches off the bike trail.  

Read this morning about perfect exercises for older women.  Swimming and Tia Chi were the top two.  Nancy does both.

Normal routine at the Y and then biked to Panera.

Some interesting articles in the London papers:

First Millennial Head of State was elected in Austria.  He is 31 and very conservative.  Millennials in the USA are usually left leaning.

Hurricane Ophelia has arrived in the UK.  The storm has brought up a lot of dust from the Sahara creating a red sky.

On this date in 1793 Marie Antoinette was beheaded in France.  Today in France a law has been proposed to immediately fine men wolf whistling at women.  Times have really changed?

Iraqi and the Kurds are fighting for Kirkuk.  The USA has a problem in that we support both groups.  Another reason for getting out of the Middle East.  We don’t know who the good guys are.

Spain is making threats to take over the government in Catalonia.

Civil servants in the UK are told not to use “he” or “she” so as not to offend.  Good grief!

I did not leave Panera until 1300.  Took a quick walk around the block before lunch.  

Brenna Bradshaw who will house sit Ms P while we are in San Jose stopped by.  We gave her a crash course on feeding Ms P, using the TV and Netflix, setting the furnace controls and other peculiarities of the condo.  She has helped her mother clean the house so she is already familiar with the condo.

During lunch I watched President Trump’s unscheduled new conference.  I wish he would stop badmouthing opponents in public.  I do think despite the hostility between POTUS and the press that he has much more contact with them than President Obama.

Lunch and then a quick trip to Staples.  Purchased two open crates to store summer clothes.  I am now bringing out the cold weather clothes and storing the warm weather gear.  Also started packing for our upcoming trip.

Short nap and then another walk.  Light dinner and then the news.  We watched The Killing on Netflix before turning in.

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