Sunday, October 22, 2017

Saturday October 21, 2017

Blog time 0800 sitting at Starbucks in San Jose.

Another cool day in CA in fact it is warmer in GR.  Big warmup tomorrow.

It is Saturday but Starbucks still has a big line of folks buying coffee and heading out to work.

Blog resumes Sunday at 0700;  Saturday morning we traveled to a big outlet mall in Milpitas.  I enjoyed the drive looking how things have changed since the 60s.  The change is amazing.  The Mall was crowded, great for people watching.  I even bought an insulated tee at Columbia.  

We stopped at Trader Joe’s on way home.  Bought yogurt and other food stuff.  I took a three mile walk before shaving and showering.

Saturday evening we drove to downtown Redwood City where the weather is best by government test.  Nancy and I lived in Redwood City from June 65 to September 67.  Debbie was born in Redwood City.  The old downtown has been made into a pedestrian friendly area with plenty of bars and restaurants.  We ate at a Mexican Restaurant.  The food was good.  After dinner we walked around downtown.  Pleasant evening for a walk.  The sidewalks were crowded which made the walk even more pleasant.

I did read the papers today but don’t want to ruin a pleasant day with all the gloomy news.  

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