Friday, October 20, 2017

Wednesday October 18, 2017

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday, no Y.  However, because it does not get light until 0800 I killed time by doing calisthenics at 50%.

Pumped up bike tires and headed out in bright sun and cool temp, 49.  Short ride to Panera.  

Nancy this morning headed to MVP and then to a visit with our dermatologist.  This afternoon she is working at Gardens.

This morning’s Alpena News reported that the library had found asbestos in their ceiling.  Asbestos was used extensively as a fire retardant and insulation before it was banned.  Asbestos shingles and insulation were common.  Folks who every day worked with asbestos have developed serious respiratory problems.  However, causal contact is not a great risk.  Contractors who remove asbestos have to be certified and they have little competition so costs are great.  The library’s budget for renovation took a big hit.  I think a lot of the asbestos alarm is over blown.

The fires in CA are horrendous.  Last night we talked to a couple who lived in Santa Rosa, CA and they said many of their friends have lost everything.

The fires in Portugal are also devastating.  Speaking of fires my Grandmother Hughes use to tell me of the fires that burned Alpena to the ground.  Alpena had many sawmills and most structures were wood.

The NHS in the UK has proposed to delay surgery for folks who smoke or are over weight.  Is this fair?

On way home stopped at bank to get more two dollar bills.  I think we should get rid of the $1 bill and use the $2 instead.  Also ditch the penny.  

First time I ever saw a two dollar bill was in 1962 on Midway Island.  The Navy paid in cash so we would stand in the pay line once a month and get our pay.  The paymaster had a huge stack of bills including the two dollar.  Ensign Scott’s monthly pay in 1962 was about $222.  As a civilian I made twice that amount.

Will anyone ever be able disable POTUS’s Twitter account.  He is so thin skinned that he has to lash out at every small slight.  It is a major distraction.  Let’s get on with infrastructure and tax reform.

This afternoon did a load of laundry, took out the trash and finished packing.  Called taxi and scheduled a 0530 pickup.

Light dinner and watched the news and some TV before turning in.

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