Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Monday October 2, 2017

Blog time 1600 sitting in downstairs office:

We slept in until 0645 this morning.  Nancy headed out to MVP at 0730.  I left at 0810 for the Y.  The temperature was 49 so I layered up.  The Y was crowded this morning.  Folks are slowly getting into their Fall mode.  The warm weather hasn’t help.  

My medicines for double vision have some unpleasant side effects so this morning and noon I cut the dose by 50%.  It did not work so tonight I will resume my normal dosage.

This morning I read the Alpena News, London papers and the WSJ.  The news generally is gloomy.  

Some comments on current events:

The First Lady donated a set of Dr Suess books to a MA library.  The librarian declined saying that the books are racist.  Good grief Dr Suess!  Every father loved to read Dr Suess to his kids because it was fun.  I certainly did not think the books racist.  Is this PC gone amuck?

Germany’s Merkel now has to deal with a hard right party that surprised everyone with their show of strength in the recent elections.  The emergence of these parties in Europe and the USA creates a difficult environment for politicians wanting to pass vital legislation.  

The political climate in the UK seems confusing to an outsider.  I really don’t know if BRexit will happen.

I got out my map of Europe to find out exactly where Catalonia is located.  I sure hope cooler heads prevail and Spain remains intact.

Finally the hurricane in Puerto Rico is an epic event that probably will not occur again for another 100 years.  I still don’t know if the power plants were destroyed, or is the island’s wide power outage caused primarily by downed power lines.  In all the TV footage I have not seen a bucket truck.

FEMA is getting a bad rap.  I have been involved in several natural disasters where FEMA was called in.  The local agencies did all the cleanup and FEMA just reviewed our work and supplied financing.  I thought FEMA did a good job with little delay.

The shooting in Las Vegas was horrendous.  How do we prevent this from happening again?  I sure don’t have an answer.

It was 74 when I left Panera or 25 degrees warmer than when I started out.  Before lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco for some supplies.  Nancy also picked up a prescription.

I did take a walk around the block before heading downstairs to write this blog.  Light dinner tonight followed by a short walk and some Netflix.

On a more sunny subject I just checked what was happening this date in 1938 in Ossineke, Mi.  Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that they had frost last night.  15 folks attended Sunday church service at Ossineke Methodist.  In the afternoon GGF and GGM drove to Alpena to have dinner with their daughter Laura.  Laura picked 2 bushels of vegetables from her garden for them.  Life was simple and pleasant in 1938.

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