Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tuesday October 17, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Another sunny day with temps early this morning in the high 40s.  Nancy headed out early to swim.  I had breakfast and waited for sunrise, 0758, before heading out.

This will be my last day at the Y for a week so I made extra effort on the calisthenics.  I have mentioned before that I think most folks at the Y follow a MWF routine because it was not crowded this morning.

Today Nancy met with the cataract surgeon.  She will have both eyes done.  First on Nov 30 and then the second on Dec 14.  No swimming for three weeks after surgery.

Yes the power of the press does exist.  President Trump’s choice for  drug czar withdraws after CBS’s 60 Minutes report.

Raqqa, Syria ISIS’s Capital was captured by US backed forces.  Now what do the USA backed troops now fight the forces of Assad?

A US Hospital ship sits off the coast of PR with no sick folks.  The PR bureaucrats have not cleared folks to go to the ship.  You cannot blame FEMA for local agency incompetence. 

At home we took Ms P on a long walk.  First time in months that she has walked over 1.5 miles.  No problems noted.

Finished packing for our trip to San Jose.  Continued putting away summer clothes and getting out winter stuff.  Also inventoried all clothes and decided a trip to Goodwill was in order.  I have 30 year old shirts that I have not worn in years.  

This evening we attended the monthly neighborhood dinner at Noto’s.  Only   20 folks were in attendance.  Nancy and I enjoy these dinners.  Every month we meet new couples and find out about their travels and local activities.  Last nights dinner was good especially the dessert.

Watched Bull on TV before heading to bed.

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