Thursday, October 26, 2017

Wednesday October 25, 2017

Wednesday October 25, 2017
Sitting at Panera in GR

We both slept in until 0715.  Brenna left early for her job.  The house sitter was a great idea and we will try to hire Brenna on future trips.

We finished unpacking and getting settled in.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon followed by a dinner at the Gardens for volunteers.

I have a 1300 Doctor’s appointment.  I will have to do laundry this afternoon.

I biked straight to Panera this morning.  Temperature was 41 but with sun and blue sky.

Quick read of the papers, most of the news is a lot of gloom and doom.  Are most citizens as disappointed with our Federal elected representatives as I am?

Quick lunch and then I headed to my ENT Doctor.  Dr Sprik checked out my nose and throat and said everything was ok for an old guy.

Stopped at the bank and Meijer’s on way home.  I did my Wednesday afternoon chore of laundry and taking out trash.

I tried taking a short nap with little success.  Is it jet lag?

I finished my outdoor activity by walking to the mailbox to mail a payment to my MG Doc.

Nancy is at an awards dinner at the Gardens so I had a light dinner.  Watched the news and caught up on reading the GRP.  I read three issues in 10 minutes which tells you how bad the GRP is.

Nancy got home about 2000.  She got an award for 2,500 hours of work at the Gardens.  I am proud of her volunteer work.

Nancy had a low tire pressure warning light go off on the Taurus.  I took the car to D&W to fill up the tires.  The light still won’t go off.  I will take in tomorrow.

Watched an episode of Doc Martin before turning in.

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