Saturday, October 7, 2017

Friday October 6, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Finally heavy rain showers moved through last night.  The rain had stopped when I first went out at 0700.  Checked weather apps and they claim no rain until later today.

Nancy headed to MVP.  I pedaled to the Y.  It was dark and gloomy with temps in 50s but no rain.  50s are the perfect temperature for bike riding.  No sweat and hands do not get cold.  

I checked the Alpena and London papers but not much I want to comment on.  I did find an interesting animal story.  Wild boars in Sweden have large concentrations of radioactive material.  The radioactive material is thought to come from the Chernobyl plant explosion many years ago.  The radioactive dust had settled in the soil.  

Comments on Puerto Rico and the hurricane:

FEMA is getting a bum rap.  Their role is to get funds to the impacted areas.  Local agencies do the actual work.  Many states and their utilities have sent personnel to help cleanup efforts in Texas and Florida.  The states and utilities are usually reimbursed for their efforts.  States have been reluctant to send teams to PR because PR is bankrupt and cannot reimburse them.

It might be my age but I really don’t think Cam Newtons comments to the female sports reporter warrant all the bad press.  Everyone today is too sensitive.

Did not get home until 1300.  We took Ms P on her walk.  Lunch and then spent some time cleaning my in basket.  Short nap and then at 1600 we headed downtown.  A lot of events in downtown tonight so we took surface streets.  Traffic was so bad it took over an hour.  

We met the Moleski’s at the Bull’s Head Tavern.  We are having dinner before heading to the symphony.  The symphony was crowded but most attendees were over 60.  They need to get young members if want to exist ten years from now.

Nancy had to drive home because of my double vision.  We got home at 2230.  Nancy headed straight to bed but I watched some TV before turning in.

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