Friday, October 27, 2017

Thursday October 26, 2017

Thursday October 26, 2017

Blog time 1220 at Panera.

Boy did we sleep in today.  It was almost 0800 when we got up.  Was it jet lag or the fact that sunrise is not until 0810?  

The ground was white this morning.  Our temperature was 31 at 0800 but should rise quickly because of the bright sun.

I was 60 minutes behind schedule so I took a mile off my ride to the Y.  Wore mittens but my hands still got cold this morning.  My left eye, shingles eye, is very sensitive to cold.  Might need to wear goggles when temp below freezing.

Read the Alpena and London papers, I found interesting;

Steve Bannon is suppose to have middle of the road Republicans up for re-election in 18 quaking.  But I think all Mr Bannon needs is a shave and haircut.  Extreme right wing candidates would not get my vote.

Whitefish Power based in the hometown of the Interior Secretary has been getting a lot of flack from their 300M contract for fixing Puerto Rico power transmission lines.  I read an article and it said that linemen were getting $350 per hour.  I thought that rate was outrageous.  However, this morning I read an article in ENR and they said Whitefish got the job because of their low rates and they did not requiring upfront money.  Also the linemen rate was per day and not per hour, BIG DIFFERENCE.  Did the report in the yesterday’s news article just make a mistake on the rate or was it deliberate?  I think the news media has such a hatred for PONTUS that their reporting is skewed.

Elon Musk’s Tesla Power installed solar panels to a hospital in PR in less than 3 weeks.  The hospital is now fully operational.  Quite an achievement.

Cataract surgery increase life expectancy for women.  Good news!

Christian Pastor in China is arrested for having a service in public.  Religious freedom does not exist in China.  Same can be said of Saudi Arabia.  Religious freedom should be a right in all nations.  

I had a quick lunch and then took the Taurus to the Ford Dealer.  Nancy noted the low tire pressure warning light was on yesterday.  I did put air in the tire but the light was still on today.  The Ford Mechanic checked the left rear tire and noted a steel spike was embedded in the tire.

It took two hours to fix the tire.  While waiting I checked out the new cars.  I really like the 2017 Taurus.  Will have to talk to Nancy to replace our 2009 Taurus.  Also finished reading the WSJ.

Since we bought the tires at Ford there was no charge for the repair.  I thought that was generous.

At home I took a quick walk around the block.  Nancy fixed a beef pot pie for dinner.  It was tasty.  Read the GRP and then we watched a new show on Netflix, Wanted.  In fact we liked the first episode so we watched a second.

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