Saturday, April 1, 2017

Thursday March 30, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was raining hard this morning and looks like it will rain all day.

For the first time since my surgery I wore my sleep apnea mask last night. I think I slept better.

After breakfast I put on my rain suit and walked to the Y. Temps in mid 30s but 20 mph wind put wind chill in mid 20s.

Calisthenics at 50% today. Also walked a mile.

The London papers keep reporting on the trials and tribulations of BRexit. Article 50 passage has started the official two year process.

Scotland is still talking about leaving the U.K. The Scott and McTavish families were right to leave.

Putin has a knack of getting in the news. He now claims most of the resources rich land above the arctic circle. I am sure he will hear from Canada, Denmark, Norway and the USA. China has done the same thing in the South China Sea.

I think I will write my Congressman, a member of the Freedom Caucus, and let him know that I think his group is obstructionist.

The business world seems to be taking a hiatus. Are they waiting for the Trump administration to get their business agenda passed? POTUS might have to get some support from the Dems.

It was still raining hard when I left Panera and should continue until early tomorrow.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall. I wanted to get a part for my stylus from Brookstone. Surprise Brookstone was closed. They are moving to a new location in the Mall.

On way home stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

I am on a confusing eye drop schedule following the surgery. I was working this afternoon on a spreadsheet to keep track of the schedule when I got a called from the alarm company. They had received a call saying our motion detector had low batteries. I took the batteries out and of course the alarm goes off. Reset the alarm and called the alarm company that everything was ok.

We drove to Meijer's and I bought batteries. On way home stopped at Brann's for dinner I had the Lobster Bisque and Nancy had the super turkey sandwich. I had half.

We are now watching an episode of Midsomer Murders.

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