Sunday, April 30, 2017

Saturday April 29, 2017

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

We are back to normal. Despite the low temp Nancy and Bob walked to Panera for breakfast.

Most of our neighbors are back from the south. They were all at Panera having breakfast.

After breakfast I got in the Escape and drove to Great Harvest Bread. Bought a loaf of fresh whole grain bread for tonight's dinner.

I took Ms P on a walk around the block followed by a twelve mile bike ride. Passed several Township ball parks and they were all full of youth ball teams.

I did some cleanup chores before taking a nap.

Nancy has everything under control. I did open several bottles of wine.

Guests started arriving at 1745. Total of seven folks at tonight's get together. Five retired teachers and an optometrist and civil engineer.

Nancy's lasagna was great. We had a nice evening. The guests headed home about 2200.

We did the dishes and then headed to bed. A great spring day.

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