Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday April 5, 2017

Blog time: 1025 at Panera

The cold returns. Temps in mid 30s this morning. Snow predicted for tomorrow.

Today I had a 0900 appointment with the eye doctor. Nancy drove me. The Doc removed my patch and checked the right eye. Everything was fine.

I was told that I needed 20/40 vision in order to drive. I easily achieved that. However, I do not have 20/20. In several weeks I will go back to my OD and get some glasses that I will use for driving. I do not need glasses for normal activities. I do need reading glasses. Presently I am using readers with 2.0 magnification. That could change as my eyes heal.

Nancy dropped me off at Panera. Speaking of Panera I see that they are being purchased. Their stock is hot.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. The French election is loaded with candidates who are Eurosceptics. The U.K. is upset at Assad's use of chemical weapons. I was annoyed that POTUS said it was the previous administrations fault. Get real POTUS what happened in the past is irrelevant. The ball is in your court.

Did you know drinking wine stimulates the brain. Good news since today I can start drinking wine.

I will soon walk home and pick up the Taurus. It needs gas. Will also buy more reading glasses at Meijer's.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

She is also looking for a physical therapy clinic to help her stretch her tendon in her lower leg.

Her foot doctor recommended a work out shoe. Tomorrow we will go to Gazelle Sports and buy a pair.

Blog resumes at 1745 sitting in living room drinking wine

Not much in the WSJ today that I want to comment on. Since I discovered Apple News on my iPad I have been reading their stories and ignoring parts of the WSJ.

It was raining hard when I headed home. Got wet and had to change pants.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She headed out at 1230.

Quick lunch and then I took a 30 minute nap.

Spent time in office writing short notes to Grandkids and paying bills. Also did a load of laundry.

The Taurus was low on gas so I drove to Meijer's to fill up. Also bought some cheap readers, a flashlight bulb, milk, ginger ale and Club soda.

Nancy said despite the rain the Gardens was crowded this afternoon. She figures it is Spring break and Mom's wanted to get the kids out of the house.

Talked to my Sister this afternoon. We compared recent eye surgery. Helen is heading back to Michigan next week.

Light dinner and then some Netflix/Acorn show before watching Major Crimes at 2100 on TNT. We like this show.

Snow is predicted for tonight. BRR!

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