Friday, April 7, 2017

Thursday April 6, 2017

Blog time: 0900 at Panera

It's Back!! Winter. Very high winds and snow today.

The snow was sticking even though the temp was 33. We now have a blanket of white over all the grass areas.

Nancy headed out early to MVP. Today she resumes swimming.

I was going to walk to Panera but decided I did not need to get my eyes exposed to the high cold wind. I got in the Escape and drove.

Today is a quiet news day. I did read the Alpena News and London papers but nothing exciting.

It appears that European leaders are worried that our POTUS will do something drastic against Assad's regime without consulting them. Time will tell.

After Panera I will pick up Nancy and head to our tax preparer's office. We will pick up our return and pay our bill.

Blog resumes at 1545: sitting in living room.

As soon as I got home from Panera we headed out. First stop was the physical therapist's office to pick up an item that Nancy left at their office this morning. Nancy liked the setup and will start therapy next week.

Our tax preparer had everything ready for us. We gave them authorization to electronically file our tax return. Paid our bill and headed home.

I took a short nap and then had quick lunch.

The wind has been howling all day. Average wind speeds exceed 20mph. We have had snow/rain all day.

For the third day in a row I will not get my 30 minutes outside. Ms P has not been on a walk in about four days.

The weather should break tomorrow. Speaking of weather I really don't know how folks can say global warming is a hoax. I think the facts are clear. Photos that we saw on our Rocky Mountain trip last fall showing the retreat of glaciers should convince anyone.

Today I signed up for a DNA test. The test is part of a program sponsored by the web site "My Heritage". I use this site for my family tree.

Nancy and I are going to Shepard's Grill for dinner.

We got toShepard's Grill and it was closed because of a power outage. I assume the high winds blew down a power line.

We ended up at Brann's. I had their lobster bisque and 1/2 of Nancy's turkey sandwich.

We read the GRP and we're watching a show on Netflix when our iPads when mad telling us that USA had bombed the airstrip where Assad's planes had taken off on their chemical bomb attacks.

I am sure that all the pundits and world leaders will have strong comments. Stay tuned.

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