Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saturday April 15, 2017

Blog time 0925 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms rolled through early this morning. The storms did not last long because at 0700 the sun was coming up and the temperature was in mid 50s. High temps today will be in mid 70s.

Nancy is still under the weather so she did not come with me to Panera. I had my standard fare.

Neither the London papers or Alpena News had anything of interest. I did read a review of Alex Baldwin's new book. I concluded that I really dislike this man.

I am disappointed at the "The Telegraph" section of Apple News. They have recently put a block on some interesting articles. You need a subscription. Bummer!

One thing I like about our POTUS is his ability to let the military make field decisions. My Navy friends were always complaining out how the Obama administration micro managed military actions. What does Susan Rice know about field decisions? The same criticism was made of LBJ during Vietnam. American troops under heavy fire would call for off shore Navy Destroyers to provide fire support. The destroyers had to get permission from Washington. It could take hours and in the meantime the Army would take heavy casualties.

Blog resumes at 1700, sitting on deck in shorts, drinking Irish whiskey and ginger. Temp is 81. Yes folks 81. Warmest day of the year.

As soon as I got home from Panera I started chores.

First was a cheek swap for my DNA test. Drove to D&W to mail the SAMPLE to the lab.

Second task was cleaning the garage. Removed all the stuff that was not nailed down and gave the garage a good sweeping. This is a semi annual event.

I also gave our kitchen deck a good sweeping.

Brought up our deck chairs and umbrella. Cleaned off the table so we can use it today.

In between I took a short nap and a walk around the block.

Nancy has just joined me on the deck. I poured her a glass of wine. We have waited over six months for a day like today.

Nancy and Missy FaceTimed this afternoon. Everything is ok in LA.

Nancy is fixing Tamales for dinner.

On this date in 1938, Ossineke, MI, Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was Good Friday. He raked and burned leaves in the morning and made two trips to Alpena with furniture for my Uncle Jim Scott.

I just got an email from Netflix that a new season of Rake is available. I love this show. Maybe we will watch tonight.

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