Friday, April 28, 2017

Thursday April 27, 2017

Blog time1115 at Panera

Heavy thunder storms rolled through last night. At first light I went out and determined the rain was over. The temp was in 60s when I headed out this morning. Wind speeds were in mid 20s. I almost got blown off the bike several times. I think all our recent high winds are a result of climate change.

It took me 60 minutes to get to the Y on my new route. Perfect!

Calisthenics this morning at 90%. On Monday I will be back to 100%.

Not much in the "News" this morning. The EU is telling the Hungarian PM that his authoritative government does not meet EU standards. What really does that mean?

Speaking of the EU it looks like Turkey's Erdogan is really not that interested in becoming a member. I think the passage of the new constitution giving him more power might be the reason.

From the "Why didn't I know this" category. I alway thought that black soldiers during WW II were in non combat roles, such as truck driving. This morning I read that General Patton had two tank groups that were all black. They performed well under treacherous combat situations.

The temp had dropped 10 degrees when I left Panera. At home I took Ms P on her daily walk.

Quick lunch and then I spent about an hour ironing khakis. The khakis were in a duffel bag that I had forgot about. I will never have to buy another pair.

I had two bags of mulch left so I spread than along the side of the condo. Tomorrow I will purchase four more bags. I think that should complete my spring gardening chores.

I took a short nap. For dinner tonight we headed to Shepard's Grill. I had the Lake Perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of chicken rice soup. Shepard's was very crowded.

We watched an episode of Bosch on Amazon.

Temps will fall to mid 40s tonight.

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