Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday April 9, 2017

Blog time 1735 sitting in living room.

Good grief! the temperature got up to 75 this afternoon. I am wearing shorts.

Alarm goes off at 0616. We have a busy morning ahead.

Leave home at 0730 and head to the Y. Nancy went swimming and I walked the track.

After the Y we headed home to drop off our stuff. Made a quick stop at Panera for coffee before heading to Trinity Lutheran. I still can not get over the fact that we are allowed to bring coffee into the service.

Today is Palm Sunday so the service was special. Good turnout and all three Pastors were in good voice.

Stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.69.

Took Ms P on a mile walk when I got home. Recently she has been reluctant to go on a walk. I think it is her age.

Quick lunch and then a nap. I slept with the slider wide open.

It was 75 degrees when I got up. Put on a pair of shorts and took a walk.

Turkey sandwich for dinner tonight.

Finish reading the GRP and then will watch 60 Minutes before switching to Netflix.

The warm weather will continue through tomorrow. A cold front moves through on Tuesday with a high of only 48. Would you call today and tomorrow's high temps just a teaser?

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