Saturday, April 29, 2017

Friday April 28, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

What a difference a day makes. Temperature was 41 when I headed out this morning. Despite the temp I still wore my knickers. My exposed lower leg can handle temps above 35. My upper body needs layers. In fact I will only wear a single upper layer when temps are above 75. Because of concern about sun damage I wear long sleeves all year, no matter what the temp. Does anyone really care?

Observations this morning: At one school bus stop five parents were waiting for the bus with their kids. All parents were men. 50% of parents at the Ys pre school programs are men. Times have changed.

The Alpena News and London papers did not have any news that I wanted to comment on.

Nancy is working hard on Saturday's dinner. She made the lasagna yesterday. Today at noon we are making shopping trips to Costco and Trader Joe's for more supplies.

Kim is right now cleaning the condo. I hope the landscape folks cut the grass. It is getting long.

Called Landscape folks and they do not start cutting until the first week in May. Bummer!

We made our run to the stores. Trader Joe's was crowded but they get folks in and out efficiently. Bought wine and some TV meals for me.

At Costco we purchased paper products, vitamins and prunes for me. Costco was also crowded.

We also stopped at a card store to get a First Communion card for Granddaughter Alessandra.

Speaking of Granddaughters Missy called and said she and Akerke had a great time in Hawaii. Akerke loved snorkeling.

This afternoon I took Ms P on a long walk. I also drove to Lowe's and bought two more bags of mulch. Finished spreading the mulch along the basement retaining wall. I am now done with yard work.

For dinner we drove to Sundance and had their ham-d-scram. It hit the spot.

Watched some Netflix before turning in.

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