Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tuesday April 18, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Sunrise today was 0650 and a beautiful sunrise it was. The temp was in the low 40s this morning but will reach 70 this afternoon.

I still have problems figuring out what to wear when I start out in the mornings. Today I layered up and it was the right move. The strong wind made riding uncomfortable. It is 7.5 miles from the condo to the Y. It takes me 54 minutes. This morning I was almost hit by an old lady driving a big Buick. She failed to stop at a stop sign. She received an extended digit. Can not be too careful.

The Y was not busy today. Has membership growth stalled?

The London paper all were reporting on PM May's call for a special election in June. She seems a very savvy politician.

Big election coming up this Sunday in France. Pundits say Marine LePen will win but lose in the May 7 runoff.

Temperature was 70 when I left Panera, 1230. Nancy headed out early for a dentist appointment.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She tired after one mile.

Quick lunch and then a nap. Nancy texted me this afternoon and said she was waiting to see our GP. His office is near the dentists. I was glad because her cold does not see to be getting better.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. Showered and shaved before dinner.

The GP told Nancy the worst is over but complete recovery is at least a week off.

For dinner we had chicken noodle soup. It was great.

Read the GRP, watched the news and then our normal Tuesday night viewing, NCIS and Bull.

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