Thursday, April 20, 2017

Wednesday April 19, 2017

Blog time 0855 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. Up at 0630, dressed and drove to Panera. I had my standard oatmeal breakfast. Busy day today, at 1000 I see my Dermatologist at 1300 I see the ENT Doctor. This evening Nancy and I are having dinner with Mary Namey and her Daughter in law. Mary is in town for several days. Mainly to get some warm weather clothes and check on her condo. She seems to be doing ok with her cancer treatment in VA.

Yesterday would have been Ed Namey's 79th birthday. It must be a sad day for Mary.

PM May in the U.K. has dominated the news with her recent decision for snap elections.

My appointment with the Dermatologist meant I had to leave Panera without finishing my reading. It is not the end of the world.

The Dermatologist's waiting was crowded with old folks. Dr Yurko checked me over and cut off what appeared to be an infected area. The infected skin will be sent to the lab. Results in about five days. Except of this one small area the rest of me was ok.

Headed home for lunch. Left home at 1230 for an appointment with my ENT Doctor. In March the Doctor noted a small polyp in my nose. He checked today and the polyp was gone. It must have been the steroids.

I did take a short nap. Ms P and I started out for a walk when it started to rain. End of walk.

Tonight we met Mary Namey and her Daughter in Law Mary at Houlihan's.

Dinner was great. Mary looked better today than the last time we saw her. All her treatments are on schedule. We had a pleasant time. Her Daughter in Law is a gem. Mary is lucky.

At home we watched an Elmore Leonard show on Amazon. It was called Raylan Givens.

Today for the first time this year we had our grass cut. The lawn looks good.

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