Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tuesday April 11, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera.

The temperature really dropped last night, from the 60s to 40s. Heavy electrical storms last night. On my first venture outside this morning I noted some storm damage.

Nancy headed out early to go swimming at MVP.

No knickers today. It is too cold. I layered up and headed out. We must have gotten a lot of rain last night. Every depression was filled. The streams were running full and some were outside their banks. Water, water everywhere!

I resumed my exercise routine but at only 30%. A neighbor I saw at the Y told me we got 2.5 inches of rain last night. 2.5 inches in a short time is a lot of rain.

I know Spring Break is over because both the Y and Panera are crowded with a lot of tanned folks.

Read the Alpena and London paper headlines. The Telegraph gave good reviews to the new iPad.

Putin said the USA will attack Syria again based on what he calls a fake gas attack. I think Mr Putin's credibility is now being questioned by everyone.

Will we ever see an infrastructure construction plan or corporate tax relief?

It was still cold and windy when I left Panera. At home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco. Tuesday is a good day to shop, only old folks. We bought cheese, wine, peanut butter and sandwich rolls. Gas was $2.44.

Next stop Chow Hound where Nancy used a coupon to buy some treats.

Lunch and then watched You Tube video on how to install screen retainer. The video was good and I successfully installed screen. Of course who needs a screen door when it is 40 degrees outside.

Tasks this afternoon: Ordered some masks for my CPAC machine. My stock broker called and recommended a stock. I bought several shares. Final task was a short nap.

Nancy fixed chicken with dressing for dinner. Tasty!

Last outside activity today was a walk around the block.

We read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull.

Tomorrow I have Breakfast Club at a new location. Got alarm set for 0530.

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