Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Monday April 10, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

The temperature remained in the 60s all night. It was warmer in GR than San Jose or LA.

For the first time this year I put on my knickers. It felt great.

Nancy has a physical therapy session this morning and then a Blodgett Guild luncheon.

I have a 1640 Doctor's appointment. I hope he gives me clearance to resume exercising.

After breakfast I biked to the Y. It was a gentle ride in keeping with the Doctor's orders.

At the Y I walked a mile.

Read the Alpena News and London papers. Most of the European leaders seem to support the USA's Syrian actions.

The G7 energy ministers at their recent meeting could not come up with a resolution on global warming. The USA balked. I think we have to get on the band wagon.

Speaking of global warming, several years ago Nancy and I attended a seminar on global warming. It was sponsored by the UM Alumni and the participants were from the school's engineering, natural resources and business schools. They all believed that something must be done to slow GW. It was a great seminar.

One finding on GW was the increase in high winds. It has been my observation that the number of windy days has increased in the past decade. I use to check on wind speed before going kayaking. If the wind was greater than 10mph I would stay home. I gave up kayaking because of so many windy days. My fisherman friends in Alpena say that their fishing on Lake Huron has been curtailed because of windy days. This is just an observation by yours truly.

At home I took Ms P on a long walk. She likes the warm weather.

I had a list of Spring time chores to do this afternoon. My first job was to take off the glass on our storm door and put on the screen. No problem getting the glass out but I could not get the retainer strip holding the screen to the frame installed. Very frustrating.

I got in the Escape and drove to Lowe's where we bought the door. A salesman showed me a You Tube clip showing how to install the strip.

After Lowe's I drove directly to the eye surgeons office. I had a 1630 appointment. I finally saw the doctor at 1800. He spent two minutes saying how great a job he did. I can now resume my normal exercise routine.

Late dinner and missed the news. A big electrical storm rolled through about 2000. Ms P went bonkers. We had storm warnings until 2200.

The Direct TV stared acting up so we switched to Netflix. We watched the last episode of an Irish Cop show. It was very good.

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