Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday April 4, 2017

Blog time 1445 sitting in office

The alarm goes off at 0616. It was raining when I first went out and it looks like it will rain all day. The temperature was in high forties and will remain there all day.

Today I have the cataract removed from my right eye. Getting ready was easy because no food or drink until after the surgery.

We arrived at the surgery at our appointed hour of 0800. I made my copay and filled out the same forms I did last week. Whatever happened to the paper less society?

The operation took less than eight minutes. Today I did not recall anything.

We go tomorrow to get the patch removed. No calisthenics for a week. I can walk.

Stopped at Panera to get coffee and a banana. At home I had a quick breakfast.

I was still groggy so I took a quick nap. I slept sound for an hour.

This afternoon Nancy has an appointment with her foot doctor.

I have a perforated eye patch so I have limited vision in my right eye. The operation was a success because I have good long distance vision out of the right eye. I won't need glasses for everyday activities. However, I might need a minor correction in order to pass the eye exam for a drivers license.

I need to renew my driver's license on my birthday. An eye exam is required.

The London papers are reporting on the gas attack by Assad's forces in Syria. PM May has called for an investigation. Remember President Obama's line in sand comment?

Yesterday I bought some inexpensive reading glasses. They work.

I scanned the WSJ. POTUS is meeting with the Chinese Premier this week. They are meeting at his Miami resort. What is wrong with Camp David? Meeting at Trump's resort sure gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Nancy's Doctor said that she does not have a broken foot but instead shortened tendon. She did have the tendon surgically lengthened several years ago but it has since shortened. Physical therapy, exercise are required.

Nancy drove me to Meijer's to pick up another Prednisone prescription. My double vision is gone so I am slowly reducing the dosages. I have been told you cannot stop Prednisone cold turkey. Where did the term "cold turkey" come from?

Chicken and rice for dinner. TV news, GRP followed by NCIS and Bull this evening. No alcohol until tomorrow.

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