Thursday, April 13, 2017

Wednesday April 12, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Alarm goes off at 0530. Today Breakfast Club is meeting at a new location.

The meeting place is in Grandville a considerable distance from the condo. I left plenty of time to make the journey. Surprise! despite the distance it is all freeway. It took only 20 minutes about the same time as the Women's City Club. Plus I think the drive is safer. Another surprise we had a good turnout.

A downside was the food. Not bad but nothing special.

The location had really good visuals. The speaker used a power point presentation and it was shown on four large wall mounted digital monitors. She spoke on the history of Reeds Lake. Good talk aided by great visuals.

I came right home because I forgot to take my pills. I rode my bike to Panera and will continue on to the Y.

Big news today in the Alpena News. Brian Dutcher a native of Alpena was just appointed head basketball coach at San Diego State. Brian's father Jim was a great athlete at AHS. He also was head coach at Alpena CC, Eastern Michigan and Minnesota.

Brian Dutcher's grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

Sure sign of aging, I resumed writing this blog on Thursday. I cannot remember any news I wanted to comment on.

At the Y I continued increasing my calisthenics. I also walked a mile.

Took the Burton Road and Cascade Road home.

After a quick lunch I did a load of laundry. I also took a quick nap.

Today Nancy is working at the Gardens. She also has Book Club this evening. She will not come home but go directly to Book Club.

I left home at 1630 and headed to Vitale's on Leonard. I am meeting Tom Moleski for diner.

Got home about 1830 and took Ms P on a short walk.

Tonight Nancy and I watched the final episode of Major Crimes onTNT. We like this show.

I got my 30 minutes outside today did you?

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