Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tuesday April 25, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Another great spring day. Went out at 0645 and the sun was shining bright with temp at 50. It is now, 1130, at 66. Perfect day.

Every fruit tree is in bloom and the lilac bushes are starting to bloom.

Nancy has major dental work this morning. This afternoon the foot doctor is looking at her foot.

I took my hill climbing route to the Y. Hill climbing on the bike is replacing my mile run.

The upcoming election in the U.K. dominates their news. However, they did report that the Chinese Government is banning Muslim names in several Muslim majority provinces. Talk about micro managing. I would resent any government telling me what I can name by kid.

Speaking of ruthless government actions, the head of the Chechen Republic in Russia is jailing gays and lesbians. Torture and beatings are alleged. Putin allows these human rights abuses to occur in his country?

A female reporter in the U.K. said that if the Tories win as expected the House of Commons will be "Pale, Male and Stale". Spoken as a true feminist.

This afternoon I stopped at Orvis and ordered a pair of short from the catalogue. If the order is placed at an Orvis store shipping is free.

Next I stopped at Lowe's and bought three bags of cypress mulch.

Quick lunch and walked around the block. Spent the next two hours spreading mulch. I forgot how strenuous yard work is. After this activity I showered and shaved.

Nancy had a 1530 foot doctor appointment. She did not get home until after 1800.

For dinner we had pork chop cooked in the crock pot. Very tasty.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in. I set the alarm for 0530. Have Breakfast Club tomorrow.

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