Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday November 30, 2014

Sunday November 30, 2014 Sunday morning so we are up with the alarm at 0655. Today is a swim day for Nancy and Bob. We each got a lane this morning. I swam 30 minutes and Nancy 40. Following the swim we headed to Meijer’s for our weekly supplies. I filled up the Taurus. Gas was $2.92. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. In addition I had whole grain waffles with sugarless syrup. Speaking of sugarless today I weighted 152 pounds. Way to go Bob. I read the funnies and then took a short nap. This afternoon I installed an indoor/outdoor thermometer in the kitchen. We also have one in the basement. I have not sold my old bike yet so to get it out of the way I placed two hooks in the garage and hung it up. I had to get my 30 in today so I took a two mile walk. Thursday night Nancy and I are going to an event at the Gardens. I have to wear a suit. When we moved I found an old three button I purchased around 1974. I brought it with me when we moved. I tried it on. It really fit well. I showed Nancy and she said it was ok. This means wear one of your two button suits. I thought three button suits were back in vogue. I googled 2 or 3 buttons and most sites said stick with the 2 button. It was 50 this morning. The temperature has steadily dropped all day and will be 21 by morning. I will return after dinner. It is now 1841. Nancy fixed me a turkey sandwich, lima beans and a great salad for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some network TV before turning in. On a sad note I was going to make mention of what Great Grandfather Sanborn was doing this date in 1938. GGF last entry was November 20. He passed away on November 29, 1938. He was a great guy and an inspiration. His Diary for the year of my birth, 1938, provided me with many pleasant memories. Did you know GGF Sunburn was born on St Pad’s Day, 1856. I hope my Great Grand kids will enjoying reading this blog.

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