Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday November 18, 2014

Tuesday November 18, 2014 It snowed all night with 6’ on ground this morning. Temperature was 17 with a wind chill near zero. The condo folks had not cleared the drive yet. I shoveled the walk in our court yard. No MVP for either Nancy or I. All schools are closed. I did all my calisthenics at home. I got out my winter boots and walked to Panera. I was surprised that all the sidewalks in the area were shoveled. It made walking easy. In fact after Panera I walked around the block. I order to get my 30 in I walked around the block again. When I got home our driveway was cleared. The sidewalk, including the courtyard, was also cleared. I had a 1340 appointment with my skin doctor, Dr Mary Yurko. I took surface streets because I thought they would be safer than the freeway. Most streets were only partially cleared. The Doctor froze several spots on my face. She said my leg was healing. On my way home I stopped at the Sprint store to see if my iPhone 6 Plus was in. It was, in fact it had been in almost a week. They said they were too busy to call me. Anyway I now have my new phone. The first thing I noticed was how easy it was to read. I like the larger print. Nancy is fixing her chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight. I will download some apps to the phone while watching TV. Busy night because we have a paper copy of the GRP to read. Think Spring!

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