Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday November 23, 2014

Sunday November 23, 2014 The gloom continues. It is now 1740, raining and 48. I hate these yo-yo temperatures. One day freezing and the next 50. It is not healthy. If I were King I would order that the temperature between November 15, the first day of deer season, and March 17, St Pat’s Day, never get above 32 or below 20. The alarm goes off at 0700 and we head to MVP. Nancy went swimming. I walked 2 miles on the treadmill. After MVP we headed to Meijer’s. Gas today was $2.97. Meijer’s was jammed. Must be folks getting ready for Thanksgiving. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I went on a 2.5 mile walk. 1.25 miles was with Ms P. We had 29” of snow this week and it is almost gone. The remaining snow is yucky. Nancy is fixing ham, string beans, and sweet potatoes for dinner. Speaking of food, I recently reported that I am on the “SOS” diet (stop only sugar). I stepped on the scale this morning and I have lost 12 pounds. We will watch network TV tonight. I will finish reading the GRP. I am hooked on British Police dramas. British TV police are clean shaven and the detectives wear suits and ties. No stubble or jeans. Real British cops do not carry guns. Do you think US Cops would give up their guns?

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