Sunday, November 16, 2014

Saturday November 15, 2014

Saturday November 15, 2014 November 15 is a big day in MI. It is the first day of deer season. When I was in high school all the guys, yes just guys, got three days off school for deer hunting. When Dad was alive he belonged to the Doctor’s Club, a hunting club. Each year during deer season I spent a weekend at the Doctor’s Club. The food was great and I had a chance to talk to some Alpena friends. Hunting is not as big a deal as it was in the 40s and 50s. It was cold last night with just a dusting of snow. I walked to Panera for a breakfast sandwich and coffee. The WSJ made no mention of deer hunting. They did write about some of China’s moves in SE Asia. I think they are very good at moving their agenda. Our President seems confused by their actions. Not good! I walked home and then got on the bike and took a 90 minutes walk. It was cold and gloomy but no snow. I was really cold when I got home. I have to get out the winter mittens and boots. Nancy and I ran some errands. We headed to “Bed, Bath and Beyond”. We are looking for a big hand mirror and a waste basket. We bought a hand mirror. Home Depot was our next stop. We were looking for a Shepard’s crook to hang our bird feeder. No luck. I was still cold from my bike ride so I turned up the electric blanket and took a short nap. I found a hanger for the bird feeder and hung is on the garage overhang. Nancy fixed soup and hot dogs for dinner. We watched netflix and some of the MSU game before turning in .

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