Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tuesday November 4, 2014

Tuesday November 4, 2014 Nancy went swimming this morning. I just did my calisthenics at MVP. It was raining so I drove. After MVP I headed to Panera for coffee. WSJ had several articles on the Middle East. They seem more confused than I am telling the good guys from the bad. I am glad the election season is over. After coffee I stopped at ACE Hardware near the condo. I rented a small sander. I spent an hour sanding the top of large drawer located under the stove. I finally got the drawer to close without catching on the countertop. After I returned the sander I took a 1.25 mile walk with Ms P. It is really turning cold. This evening Nancy and I are going to and event at the GR Art Museum. Stay tuned. The function at the Art Museum was their annual meeting. The Director gave his annual report. The GRAM had record attendance this year. They ended the year with a surplus. It was an upbeat report. We watched NCIS and they I channel surfed to get updates on the election. It was fun to watch all the whining on MSNBC. I finally turned in about 2300.

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