Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday November 8, 2014

Saturday November 8, 2014 It was raining when we got up this morning. Nancy did not want to go to breakfast so I got in the Cobalt and drove to the Omelette Shop. The Omelette Shop was not very crowded when I arrived. I spent a lot of time reading. When I left they had a lot of folks waiting for a table. I was surprised that they let me just sit and read when they needed a table. It looks like an all day rain and I gave some thought to walking the mall. I decided against it because I think the rain will stop this afternoon. It is now 1121 and I am sitting at my desk writing this blog. I have a small heater going. The ground floor is about 5 degrees cooler than the main floor. It is raining and 40 outside. At 1200 I will drive Nancy to the Gardens so she can work at the big sale. Nancy is working with Mary Namey. At 1700 Ed Namey will pick up Nancy and Mary and drive to Marco’s for dinner. I will meet them there. To get my 30 in today I took a 3 mile walk. Even in bad weather we should try to get the 30 in. Marco’s is a great place. We rated it an A. When we got home we watched the first half of the MSU/OSU game. Starting a game at 2000 in November is dumb.

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