Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday November 20, 2014

Thursday November 20, 2014 I set the alarm this morning because the furnace man is coming between 9 and noon. I did all my calisthenics and rowing before 0900. It is still cold and snowing. Nancy went swimming at MVP. After breakfast I made coffee and read the WSJ. Nancy got home about 0900. Kim came to clean about 1000. The cold and snow has been tough on Ms P. Her joints hurt and the snow almost covers her. She must do her bidness on the drive. Our drive was shoveled about 1100. The furnace man did not come until 1200. I showed him our thermostats and he explained to me that they had been changed by the previous owner and were connected to our alarm company’s system. He could not help us. The previous owner worked for the alarm company and was big into toys. He could operate the furnace from his cell phone. I was surprised because one thermostat looked just like the one on Mackinaw. I now must call the alarm company. Maybe I should connect the entire alarm system to my iPhone 6. I had a quick lunch and then looked outside. It was snowing and our street still had not been plowed. Nancy cancelled our trip to Costco. I still had to get my 30 in so I bundled up and headed out. Our street was not plowed but the sidewalks near the house were. I took 3 loops around the block that Panera is on. It took over an hour. While I was walking I saw the Road Commission finally plowing our street. First time since the snow started. Nancy is fixing soup and a ham sandwich for dinner tonight. I have the GRP to read and we will watch “Big Bang”. At 2030 we will switch to Netflix.

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