Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2, 2014 Up at 0700 and we head to MVP for our Sunday swim. Today is going to be a bright sunny day. It was light when we left at 0740 thanks to the time change. We get our suits on and head to the pool only to be told the pool is closed, bummer. We get dressed and head to Meijer’s. We know Meijer’s won’t be closed. Meijer’s had a lot of items on sale so our cart was full. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk and then read several sections of the GRP. I always start with the funnies. Took my afternoon nap and then walked around the neighborhood for an hour. I did not see one person outside. On a beautiful day you would expect folks outside enjoying the weather. I am currently downstairs writing this blog. I have a small heater on to take off the chill. Our downstairs (walkout) is about 5 degrees colder than the main floor. We hope to modify our downstairs fireplace so it will produce heat. Nancy is fixing turkey sandwiches and spaghetti for dinner tonight. Sounds good! We will watch 60 minutes and Madame Secretary before turning in.

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