Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friday November 21, 2014

Friday November 21, 2014 Using iPad Finally a bright sunny day. Still cold Did all exercises at home. Walked to Panera. Downloaded pedometer. Walked around Panera block, 0.96 miles. Walks were all shoveled by 0700. After Panera Nancy and I ran errands, put coat on Petunia. First stop Lighting Center. Looking for kitchen, living room and master bath lights. No purchase but good ideas. At fireplace store told we are on top of pile. Maybe next week Costco was super crowded. Made several purchases. Looked for bulletin board at Stables. No luck. Nancy picked up book at Cascade Library. Chow Hound. Bought treats and booties. Booties do not work. Must take back. Lunch and then took a walk in back yard. Snow was about 12". Lot of Deer tracks. Short nap and at 1730 drove to Euro Bistro for dinner. Excellent food, little pricy. Watching TV and will soon switch to Netflix.

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