Friday, November 28, 2014

Thursday November 27, 2014

Thursday November 27, 2014 Thanksgiving Day, 2014: Slept in today. Had a quick breakfast and then took out my bike with new studded tires. Pedaled around the neighborhood for about and hour. We had a dusting of snow on the sidewalks but the bike worked fine. In my 76 years I have spent only 3 Thanksgiving away from family. The first time was in 1961. I had Thanksgiving dinner at the Navy BOQ, Pearl Harbor. It was a feast. Heavy silverware, table clothes and the works, I was impressed. Next day I flew to Midway Island, I was sad. I should stop whining. In yesterday’s GRP photos of living WW II veterans was shown. One of the vets was Cliff McCann. Cliff was the City Engineer of EGR for about 40 years. I knew Cliff well, he is a great guy. Cliff spent over three years on Midway during WW II. I have nothing to complain about. I only spent 1 year, two weeks, and three days on Midway. We are having dinner at Ed and Mary Namey’s home. Tim Mast is also attending. At 1330 we head to the Namey’s. The Namey’s had just had their condo redone. It looked great. The meal was really good. We had a great time just talking. Nancy and I left at 1800. At home we watched the news and some network TV. Debbie, Missy and Stephen all called so we had contact with all the kids.

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