Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday November 25, 2014

Tuesday November 25, 2014 We had about one inch of snow last night. Temps this morning were in the high 20s. Nancy headed out early to swim. I did all my calisthenics at home. No bike today. I cannot get into the pool at MVP until 0955 so I spent 45 minutes reading the WSJ at Panera. I have been having some shoulder pain but I decided to swim anyway. I swam 1,000 meters with no pain. I stopped at Sprint to see if they could download all my music from the iPhone 5 to my new iPhone 6. They said no problem. The Sprint man showed me how to download the songs. He got it started and then showed me how to finish downloading when I got home. It did not work. Most of the song I downloaded from CDs and did not purchase from Apple. Apple apparently does not like none iTunes songs. I need a new swim suit so I stopped at MC. No swim gear this time of year. I will order on line. At home I finished reading the WSJ. I spent some time in my office before eating lunch. Debbie showed me how to connect my big monitor to the Apple Air. I like the big screen. Took a short nap and then took what I thought was a long walk. My pedometer said it was only 2.5 miles. I reached my 10,000 steps because my fitbit went off. As I was ending my walk four deer ran across my path. They stayed awhile in our side yard. I think I will buy some carrots tomorrow. Tonight after dinner I will read the GRP, watch the news and then NCIS. I hope to be in bed before 2230. Breakfast Club tomorrow and I have to get up early, 0530.

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