Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday November 10, 2014

Monday November 10, 2014 The cold weather will not hit us until late Tuesday. It was sunny and mild when I got on my bike and headed to MVP. It seems every day at MVP I meet someone I knew many years ago. Today I met an attorney (now retired) who grilled me during a depositions I gave in the early 80s. He remembered me. For an attorney he is not a bad guy. After MVP I pedaled to Panera for coffee. Today I had time to read the WSJ. I found interesting a story on China’s efforts to rebuild the silk road. They are spending billions on roads, pipeline and railroads to build connections from China’s east through east Asia, the Middle East and eventually to Europe. The travel time from China to Europe using surface transportation is half the time compared to using ships. I think it would be neat to drive from Europe to China. China has the resources to build this infrastructure while we fritter away our money on military actions in the Middle East where we still don’t know who the good guys are! Nancy had lunch today with some of her gift shop friends. When I got home the first thing I did was take Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. I did several loads of laundry and then took a short nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on my reading. The move set me back many weeks. For instance today I had not read the weekly ENR magazine since May. I am now up to September. We had a light dinner and watched the news. It is now 1930 and I am finishing this blog. Nothing on network TV so it will be a netflix evening.

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