Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday November 11, 2014

Tuesday November 11, 2014 Veteran’s Day 2014: Every Veteran’s Day I ask Veteran’s if they can remember their service number. Nearly 100% can remember. It is something you never forget. This morning the temperature was in the high 40s. In fact I over dressed for my bike ride to MVP. I took a layer off for my ride home. Since I changed my schedule I have met several MVP members that I had not seen in years. It is good to get caught up on what every one is doing. I had my coffee at Panera. It started to rain about noon so I hurried home. I made it home without getting too wet. I spent the afternoon catching up on my reading. All afternoon the temperature has been dropping. Low temps tonight will get down to 30. The UP of MI has 30” of snow. We will not get significant snow until Thursday. Nancy had book club this afternoon. They met at a local restaurant. I don’t like the new time because it eliminates pizza night for the husbands. I suppose we could go out for lunch. Beans and rice for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch network TV tonight.

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