Saturday, November 8, 2014

Friday November 7, 2014

Friday November 7, 2014 It was cold last night but no frost. Bright sunshine this morning. I pedaled to MVP for my calisthenics. Great day for a bike ride if dressed properly. I was dressed properly. I had coffee at Panera. Kim was cleaning today so I took my time reading the WSJ. Will China and Japan ever be friends? I don’t think so. When I got home I took the Taurus to get it washed, inside and out. At home I raked some leaves in our small courtyard. We are responsible for maintenance in the courtyard. I also trimmed a small fir tree. I took a short nap. It is now 1723 and Nancy and I are getting ready to attend an event at the Gardens. Stay tuned. The event at the Gardens was a pre-sale for tomorrow big sale. Members only. Nancy is working at the sale tomorrow. When we got home we checked the TV and found nothing on so we watched Inspector Gently on Netflix.

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