Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday November 24, 2014

Monday November 24, 2014 It was raining hard at 0700 and the weather folks said it would be raining all day. The snow is gone. Because of the rain I drove the Cobalt to MVP. Nancy went earlier so she could take an early class. It was hard to find a parking space. I also had trouble finding a treadmill. They must have 30 or more. I finally found one and walked 2 miles at a 15’ pace. I watch folks running on the treadmill but I am reluctant to try. I stopped at Groskopf’s looking for a leather holster to hold my iPhone plus. They did not have any so I bought a 7 port universal charging station. I have many toys that need charging. I had my coffee at Panera. After coffee I headed to the dry cleaner to inquire about my lost sweater. Lo and Behold they found it! After a quick lunch I headed down stairs to set up my charging station and get my office squared away. What else is there to do on a cold rainy day. Speaking of cold, the temperature has dropped about 10 degrees. Snow is expected for tonight. Did you know that we set a record for the most snow in November. And the month is not even over. The day started with temps in the high 40s. It is now 30, snowing with wind speeds over 30 mph. I went out at 1730 to get my 30’ in. I walked around our block and noted that a lot of homes had Christmas lights burning bright. We had a light dinner. Tonight will be a Netflix night.

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