Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday November 5, 2014

Wednesday November 5, 2014 Wednesday my easy day and also the day after the election. Today I am also hitting a milestone, post number 1,900 for the blog. The weather folks said that today would be bright and sunny and they were right. For breakfast I pedaled to the Omelette Shop a distance of 5.5 miles. I ordered a bowl of oatmeal and a scrambled egg. I put the egg in my oatmeal. I saw this being done when Nancy and I were on the Vietnam tour. Two Chinese women from San Francisco would do this every morning. I tried it and thought it was a great treat. I had forgotten about it until this morning. I read all the articles in the WSJ dealing with yesterday’s election. Although I was tired of all the negative ads I still must admit that I am a political junkie. I think most politicians underestimate the voting public. In Michigan despite a lot of misleading and downright mean ads our Governor got reelected. But the Republican running for Senate got soundly defeated. Folks were splitting their tickets and I think made the right choice. The Gal running for the senate was a very poor candidate. When I got home I immediately got in the Cobalt and drove to Costco. Twice a day I take a fiber drink and I was out of powder. I also bought eggs and a bottle of wine. Costco was empty, I did not have to wait in line. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I did some chores and took a short nap. Ms P and I took our 1.25 mile walk. Light dinner tonight and then some TV. Snow is expected for the weekend. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

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