Friday, November 28, 2014

Wednesday November 26, 2014

Wednesday November 26, 2014 Up at 0530, no snow so took interstate to Breakfast Club. Small turnout, speaker from GR Public Museum. Stopped at Martha's Vineyard, bought cheese to take to Namey's on Thanksgiving. Fast coffee at Breton Village, no WSJ today. At Kohl's bought two tee shirts. Looked at Nissan Juke, did not buy. Picked up address labels at printers. Took bike to get snow tires. Told would take 20'. Stopped at new medical supply store for compression socks. Did not buy. Picked up bike. Nancy worked at Gardens. Took nap then Ms P on walk. Finished afternoon with hour walk. Light dinner and then Netflix. Did blog on iPad. Can you tell?

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