Friday, November 7, 2014

Thursday November 6, 2014

Thursday November 6, 2014 Today Nancy went swimming but I stayed home because I had to take Ms P for her annual physical. I did all my calisthenics at home. After breakfast I made coffee and started reading the WSJ. The Vet gave Ms P a clean bill of health. She got her annual rabies shot and several others. Owning a dog is not for poor people. We need a small space heater for our den. Nancy and I headed to Home Depot to look at heaters. They did not have what we wanted. Our next stop was Costco. We bought a small heater. We also bought some cheese and towels. I had lunch and finished the WSJ before taking a short nap. I finished the afternoon with a short walk. Nancy and I had dinner at Russ’s. We both had the pea soup and Nancy had a hamburg and I had fried clams. We are now watching Midsomer’s Murder on Netflix. We will watch Elementary at 2200. It rained all day today. Low temperatures tonight are in the high 20s.

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